Laboratory Perfect Silhouette

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  • Cellulite Reduction

  • Firming & Skin lifting

  • Breasts treatments

  • Zabiegi po ciąży


Treatment available: Saska Kępa i Wilanów

"With respect for our skin"

What is Icoone treatment?

Icoone is nowadays the most advanced, non-invasive method of healing the imperfections of the body. It is based on nearly 30 years of experience  which allowed to lead the current technology to perfection.

How is  the treatment performed?

The work of Icoone is based on the  very precise massage of the body with patented cups equipped with rolls with micro-holes.  The patient having the body treatment (Icoone is performed also on the face, neck and decolletage) is dressed with special suit which allows for precise treatment.

What is the uniqueness of Icoone and why is it better than other vacuum treatments?

Each roll has hundreds of micro-holes, which, by sucking the air,  ensure intensive and precise stimulation of every millimetre of the skin. It  is the only treatment amongst the vacuum treatments which does not stretch the skin, does not heat the lymphatic system  and does not harm the skin (which was impossible  until now).

On every inch of the skin there are 1189 micro-holes working. As a result we have extremely accurate , multidimensional massage of healed surface. Another innovation offered by Icoone is the symmetrical treatment. Two cooperating cups are massaging both halves of the body  giving guarantee of quicker and more visible effects.

For whom is Icoone designed?

The Icoone treatments are designed for all women and men who want to find quick, effective and non-invasive  solution for many aesthetic and therapeutic problems.

Which problems are solved by Icoone?

By applying the technology of micro-holes the Icoone massage helps  where other  systems fail:

  • deeply located fat
  • constantly recurring cellulite
  • lack of skin firmness, flabby skin
  • for women after childbirths- already after 3 weeks the treatment can be performed
  • after liposuction
  • vascular problems and body and face swelling
  • wrinkles reduction
  • facial modelling, outline the contours
  • postoperative and burn scars
  • constipations
  • regeneration of the body after hard effort
  • muscle relaxation

Which body areas are covered by Icoone? How does Icoone work?

The treatment can be performed all over the body including face and is the only machine that has functions of breasts massaging. Every visit we settle the area of the body which will be treated. The treatment plan is selected individually and it can cover few body areas. Icoone has special programs adapted to certain problem:

Sillutle - upper body part modelling (belly, breasts, arms)

Model plus – buttocks lifting, Brazilian buttocks

Remond - calves  and knees modelling,  firming, lymphatic swelling, slimming

High plus - back, shoulders, arms modelling

Men zone - belly slimming

Abolton - firming, belly slimming after pregnancy

Armton - arms, “pelicans” on the shoulders removal

Intone - slimming, thighs modelling focused on the inside part

Fat zone - slimming, thighs modelling focused on outside part- “breeches”

Which results can we expect?

To achieve the spectacular effects it is necessary to finish the full treatments cycle , which means 15 sessions 2-3 times per week or even every day. The regular sessions will allow to achieve the extreme effects already after 2-3 weeks.  After treatment series finishing it is recommended to have 1 treatment per month to sustain the effect.

Why it is recommended to have a recalling treatment?

The lymphatic system is a one of main reasons of body defects creating : cellulite, swelling, fat deposits. It does not possess a pump like the blood has the heart and that is why it has to be stimulated from outside. Neglecting this stimulation causes the slowdown of the lymphatic system and  creates above mentioned problems.

How long does the treatment last?

Every session lasts 30 minutes  on one treatment area with a possibility of prolongation.

Is the treatment painful and what it feels like?

During the treatment we feel the skin sucking and pleasant cooling. The treatment can be partially painful. It depends on cellulite’s degree, the depth of deposited fat and individual pain sensitivity. With the time the discomfort reduces which is a proof of therapy progress.

Does icoone treat breasts too?

Yes. Icoone, as the only machine, is able to firm and lift breasts gently and safely.  It stimulates the deep skin layers which results in increased work of fibroblasts producing elastin and collagen. Such an activity allows to keep young look of breasts.  This treatment has also healing activity: it improves blood and lymph circulation, unblocks lymphatic canals.

Is Iccone  designed for pregnant women and how quickly after childbirth  can it  be conducted?

Yes.  Icoone is a very good treatment for pregnant women. The treatment is performed on legs liquidating the problem of heavy legs and helps against swelling. It is the only treatment which can be performed already 2 weeks after natural labour and 3 weeks after caesarean section regardless unhealed scar. Then Icoone is performed above the scar and when it is healed on the total belly surface. Such a quick intervention on the scar helps to reduce it very much.

How to proceed before  and after the treatment?

Very important element of Icoone therapy is drinking minimum 1,5 l of liquids per day.  It can be still water or herbals tea. Please remember that black tea, coffee and sweet beverages should not be included in daily consumption. The increased  liquids drinking removes the products of  metabolism , fat deposits, toxins and may help reduce appetite.

Important:  the body balm is prohibited on the treatment area  on the day of the treatment

Is the treatment safe?

Yes. Icoone ensures 100% of safety. It is confirmed by numerous clinical research and CE certificate.

Is Icoone  recommended with other treatments?

Icoone can be combined with all body and face treatments, which increases the effects.
Examples of the combination therapy:

Icoone + exilis – fat tissue reduction

Icoone + SkinShock - cellulite reduction, skin firming

What are the treatment contraindications?

  • kancer
  • vein inflammation
  • medicines for blood clotting
  • damaged skin or skin lesions on treatment area
  • pregnancy (the treatment can be performed for heavy legs problems and swelling)

Are varicose veins and breaking blood vessels contraindications to the treatment?

No. This is another Icoone’s success.  Through the special medical programs and micro-holes the treatment is safe for patients with breaking blood vessels and varicose veins. The Icoone technology has a “Great Respect” for our skin, it does not damage it nor  stretches it.

Clinical research

Icoone was designed as answer for questions about the skin, connective tissue and its structure. The research was performed by Jean-Claude Guimberteau, a reconstructive surgery doctor. Prof. J.C. Guimberteau proved that the connective tissue consists of the infinite network of micro-vacuole, organized in a chaotic way and micro-vacuole are the functional units of connective tissue. This new vision started new approach in healing skin imperfections.

Icoone technology was carefully examined in Plastic and Esthetic Clinic of “ La Sapienza” University in Rome. The research was performed by prof. NicoloScuderi.  Under his leadership the Icoon’s effectiveness was compared with other technologies available on the cosmetic market.  The assessment was given on the efficiency and comfort of the treatment.  The results were unequivocal. Icoone proved to be the most efficient and comfortable treatment!

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